雲南中青國際旅行社位於 雲南省昆明市拓東路133號237室,是昆明旅行社中比較知名的旅行社,也是國際旅行社連鎖店中服務和運營很好的公司,雲南中青國際旅行社為旅遊者代辦出境、入境和簽證手續,招徠、接待旅遊者,為旅遊者安排食宿,旅遊線路提供向導等服務。 雲南中青國際旅行社成立於1989年,全社員工中除了經驗豐富的外聯銷售、計劃調配和其他相關業務人員外,還擁有獲得國家旅遊局資格 認證的英、法、德、日、泰、越、意、粵語、普通話等語種的優秀翻譯導遊。雲南中青旅在歷史上留下了光輝的足跡,2006曾榮獲全國國際旅 行社百強第2名,雲南省國際旅行社20強第一名。 雲南中青旅主要經營的業務範圍:組織外國公民、華人華僑、港澳台居民來華旅遊,並負責接待。中國公民出境旅遊業務和國內旅遊等業務。雲南中青旅總部設在中國首都北京,在全國各大城市有直屬機構中青旅,中青旅是國內旅行社當中唯一的上市公司,擁有中青控股雲南中青旅一貫秉承“誠信服務”的經營理念,以“4P旅遊新理念”為企業發展的行為準則。雲南中青旅以用心至深的優質服務意識為遊 客帶來舒適;以用情至真的線路設計滿足每一個旅遊團隊的個性化需求;我們的奉獻讓您在彩雲行、天地美的旅遊中,感悟到中青旅名牌品質 的與眾不同。中青旅遊網(http://wwwzqlywcom)是雲南中青國際旅行社成立後開發的最大旅遊信息服務網站,本 站提供雲南旅遊及雲南以外著名景點的最新資訊、雲南境內酒店預訂、各地機票預訂,立誌成為最優秀的雲南旅遊信息港, 歡迎各位朋友的訪問和咨詢。Yunnan middle International Travel Service was founded in 1989, all its experienced staff, in addition to outreach marketing, planning the deployment of staff and other related businesses, but also have access to the National Tourism Administration Accreditation of Britain, France, Germany, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam , Italian, Cantonese, Mandarin and other languages excellent translation guides CYTS Tours in Yunnan in history left a glorious footsteps of 2006 has won the top 100 international travel agencies section 2, Yunnan International Travel Service 20-first CYTS Tours Yunnan in the main business scope of business: organizational foreign nationals, Chinese and overseas Chinese, Hong Kong, Macao residents in China tourism, and is responsible for the reception Chinese citizens outbound tourism business and domestic tourism, and other businesses CYTS Tours in Yunnan, based in the Chinese capital Beijing, major cities in the country are directly under the body CYTS Tours, in CYTS Tours travel agency which is the only domestic listed companies, have middle Holdings CYTS Tours in Yunnan consistently uphold the \integrity services\" business philosophy, \"4 P Tourism New Concept\" for the development of standards of conduct CYTS Tours to Yunnan Province in the far intentions of the sense of quality service for tourists bring comfort用情to really meet each circuit design a personalized travel team needs our dedication in Choi Wan your trip, space travel in the United States ,感悟到China CYTS Tours distinctive brand quality Middle Tourism Network http://wwwyn917com is the international travel agencies in Yunnan Zhongqing development after the founding of the biggest tourism information service website providing Yunnan tourist site outside the famous scenic spots in Yunnan and the latest information inside Yunnan hotel reservations, Advance tickets around, determined to become the best Yunnan tourism information port to welcome you all to visit friends and counseling" |