What's wrong with my computer sorry for puting so many time!!Wo men xiang qu Haiquanwan, shun bian qu heng qin he chi hai xian, zhongwu dao jiu zhou gang,zoushi cong gongbei zou zenme an pai?Thanks for help.
excuse me im right now in hongkong soon i ll take metro to shenzhen but i would like some information about how to go to 深圳 鹽田區 大梅沙內環路和鹽梅路交界 from the luo hu metro station thank a lot for your help in advance
這個購物中心是不是有比較多的化妝品專櫃啊?這里有下面的牌子嘛?:EL、歐舒丹/L''occitane、希思黎/sisley、吳教授/DR.WU、寵愛之名/FOR BELOVED ONE、法國嬌蘭/Guerlain、Fresh、Givenchy/紀梵希,如果沒有,澳門那里會有這些牌子呢,謝謝!
Hello, I will visit Singapore on 23/June to 26/June. I am considering to buy 3 pcs 新加坡船長探索鴨子船門票(現票) and 新加坡濱海灣花園門票(現票). Is the ticket valid for a period of time (e.g. during June is ok) or must use on one specific date? <br>Also, if deliver ticket to my Hong Kong address, does it need delivery charge? <br>Thank you.
聽說持申根簽證入境韓國可以免簽證30天 有人試過嗎 求經驗 Hi Korea網站的信息如下 Europe bound Chinese transit tourists Eligible foreigners Chinese citizens with an entry visa (including permanent residency visa) for 1 of the 30 nations listed below and connecting flight tickets to the final destination. Example) China -> Korea -> Europe, Europe -> Korea -> China 30 European countries Greece, Netherlands, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Latvia, Rumania, Luxemburg, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Malta, Belgium, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, Slovakia, Slovenia, Iceland, Ireland, Estonia, United Kingdom, Austria, Italy, Czech, Cyprus, Portugal, Poland, France, Finland, Hungary ※ Not applicable to the following: those being forcefully relocated back to China from Europe those traveling through Europe as a part of a group tour
訂了1/27去首爾 1/31號回 1.新羅和樂天免稅店哪個優惠相關多一點呢? 2.例如:innisfree etude 還有蘭芝 skin food等 這些免稅店也有 明洞之類的也有的店 哪裏買價格更合適 我比對過價格 相對價格上 免稅店是絕對優勢的 但是明洞之類的有些用優惠卷也可以9折 之後退稅(這些店的退稅是機場現金還是信用卡退呢) 算下來價格估計差不多 明洞據說在送小樣上不是很大方 而且不是所有的店都可以 tax for free的 所以這個問題 我滿糾結的 3.春節期間我年初五去 韓國會有相關店鋪休息嗎?? 4.有人訂了青瓦台1/31號的 收到confirmation e-mail了嗎?
--------------- 這是正解----------------------- 謝謝@pengbishenghui 的關於Transit Tourism Program提點,還有@宇宙人001 的更官方的解答。 總結下來,針對這條被大肆報道的韓國72小時免簽就是個渣!!!! 去第三國想在首爾自由行72小時,但是需要要參加Transit Tourism Program才可以去首爾。奇葩的是,這個Transit Tourism Program最長時間才5個小時,以為著你5個小時之後,大巴又會把你接回機場,然後你就在機場過夜吧,第二天繼續參加這種幾個小時的tour。 無奈機票已經訂了,改簽費比簽證費還貴,又不想在首爾機場睡兩天,不得不去辦理韓國簽證了,希望一切順利吧。廣大qyer以此為戒呀! -----------------------------------春節將帶老媽去泰國島玩,預定的機票在韓國仁川機場轉機。看到韓國推出的72小時免簽政策,想在首爾停留兩天再去普吉島,我是應該可以在仁川機場辦理72小時在首爾遊玩的過境簽。不知道有沒有qyer實踐過,同時還打算在泰國普吉島辦理落地簽,不知道會不會因為韓國行程在中國機場海關不放人。謝謝解答。 No-Visa Entry for Transit Tourists Participating in the Transit Tourism Program A. Eligibility i. A foreigner who transfers at the Incheon International Airport to the country of nationality or a third country and participates in the Transit Tourism Program。。。。 B. Criteria for Permission 。。。。 C. Status of Stay and Period : Tourism & Transit (B-2) visa, Within 72 hours
請問這家飯店有接送嗎? 芭達雅VIP別墅 (VIP Villas In Pattaya) Place for check in is 380/55 Moo.12 Jomtien Second Road, Nongprue, Banglamung, Chonburi,20150., 中天海灘, 芭達雅, 泰國 20150
Dear Sir or Madame, we are two tourists from Germany who want to take the ferry from Xiamen to Taichung. We traveling with our bicycles and we think we arrive Xiamen at the beginning of december. Is it possible to use the ferry, because we are foreigners? Could we buy the tickets at the harbor or only online? We don\'t need a visa for Taiwan. Do we need other documents for the transport? Do we have to buy tickets for the bicycle transport? When is the ferry leaving Xiamen? At your website is written at the 5th december. Is that correct? Best regards, Kai Schreiter
您好 想詢問芭達雅大象村的旺站上有一項活動COMBINATION TREKKING 包含騎乘大象在叢林漫步,參觀絲工廠,坐牛車等,請問有這方案的嗎? Combination Trekking which lasts about three and a half hours, experiencing through greenery jungle This activity starts with the Elephant Ride approximately 1 hour ( a shared seat for 2 persons) followed by a 20 minutes accompanied jungle walk, followed with a visit to the Silk House, followed by 20 minutes being ferried across a local lake , finishing with a return ride to the Elephant Village on OX-Carts. Upon return to the Elephant Village, The visitor will then be served with a home cooked buffet lunch or dinner. With the special jungle Show . This service takes place two times daily, 10:30 and 16:00 hrs.