Line ID:938727235
Line 名称:hopetrip-service
幫助中心 收藏網站 線上客服



  • 請幫助解釋

    我拿到了海洋公園門票,反面有英文請給予翻譯Valid till:10-05-0912-11-08 Ocp:CAS018Tran#67 Ticket#1146

  • Travel from Hk to Shantou (Guangdong)

    sorry,I am not able to type chinese in my pc.I would like to ask how to travel from hongkong back to shantou?we are going to stay in Tsim sha tsui for 3 nights, then back home. thinking of taking mtr from tsuim sha tsui to luo wu, then buy bus ticket there?Thanks.

  • 關于海洋公園門票?

    我在TB上買了兩張海洋公園門票,票的背面印有DAY ADULT TICKET字樣,可是我看到別的賣家提供的樣票背面都是印有GROUP ADULT BBB FIT字樣。這之間有什麼不同嗎?不知道我的票有沒有問題,有誰可以幫忙解答一下嗎,謝謝啦~

  • 中環到機場平價乘坐方法

    中環到機場,巴士加地鐵,不是機場快線。價錢平的乘車方法.好像地鐵不到機場.,一天的地鐵ticket,可不可以坐機場快線,是不是一天地鐵ticket巴士和地鐵都可坐,中環附近和香港島有200之下酒店?還有從落馬洲 , 皇崗回深圳,好像有一個便宜的乘車方式大家可不可講一講

  • 乘車,和出入鏡,換錢


  • 關于護照入境香港問題


  • thailand visa to HK

    Sorry for not type Chinese for I am in Thailand now and can't find one pc could type Chinese. My question is that i am buy airasia ticket back to maucau, can I take the used Thailand visa to enter HK and then to mainland. Thanks!

  • 台灣烏龍茶請進

    上次您答複我珠海機場到澳門英皇酒店的直通車具體班次和乘車點,是否可以具體查到?那不用過關了嗎?有沒有備選的方案,因為老年人也許會不太容易找到。謝謝!原文:答複珠海機場到澳門皇家金堡酒店Casa Real Hotel最方便快捷之路線Wenny 發帖:12.19老爸老媽去澳門,19日中午到達珠海機場,請教各位大蝦,如何前往澳門皇家金堡酒店最方便快捷(由于是老人家最好少走路少排隊)?第二天想去威尼斯人並看場太陽馬戲,下午5點的優惠票如何購買?另外請求各位大蝦們給個建議游覽路線適合老人家的,19日下午,20日整天及21日半天,回程時21日下午5點多珠海機場飛。謝謝了!台灣烏龍茶 回答:1.三灶機場坐直通車到澳門英皇酒店.然後再搭的士去酒店.避免拱北口岸過關排隊之苦.2.網上購買:http://www.ctshk.com/ticket/admticket_hk.htm3.大三巴一帶.離島的官也街舊城區都是不錯選擇.澳門不大隨興遊便可.

  • 廈門到台中單程船票-中遠之星之商品咨詢

    Dear Sir or Madame, we are two tourists from Germany who want to take the ferry from Xiamen to Taichung. We traveling with our bicycles and we think we arrive Xiamen at the beginning of december. Is it possible to use the ferry, because we are foreigners? Could we buy the tickets at the harbor or only online? We don\'t need a visa for Taiwan. Do we need other documents for the transport? Do we have to buy tickets for the bicycle transport? When is the ferry leaving Xiamen? At your website is written at the 5th december. Is that correct? Best regards, Kai Schreiter