We stayed during 9, April, 2013 as a part of our Taiwan trip. The surrounding area is very nice with good view. This place is very very cold and we walked during night, and nothing nearby. The dinner was very excellent and as well as breakfast. The hotel room is very large and comfortable with basic amenities. The garden is very good. they have wifi at the reception area, which is good speed. |
his is a hotel with an amazing view as it is situated really high. We stayed for one night in the VIP Splendor Quad Room. The rooms are not fitted with heaters thus it was really cold during the night. There is no lift in this hotel and thus will have to carry the luggages up the stairs. When we arrived in the room we saw that we had stained bedsheets and pillow cases and we requested for them to be changed. The bathroom was stained and had mold at the corners the bathtub. |
Had a room with a beautiful view the same view as the one from the dining terrace. Room is not very big but nicely done and clean. My other family members had a larger room with 2 beds facing the back which looks like a vegetable garden. The food in the dining room is good. Also note no lift so if you are staying on the second floor you have to drag your luggage up the stairs. |
酒店坐落於高於海平面2000米的地方,清境竣悅空中花園渡假山莊就是位於山中的一顆小寶石。這家度假山莊從表面上看來並沒有我們途徑的那些度假村那麼好,但是我還是更加願意住在高山上,因為對於終日生活在城市裡的人來講,這也算是一段難得的經歷。 我們是春季的時候過去的,所以那裡的天氣還有些涼,作為新加坡人來說,其實我們是很喜歡氣候變化的。 我 們的房間特別的寬敞,設計的給人一種古色古香的感覺,而且特別舒適,我們在這之前去台灣玩兒了一圈,當時在台灣住了7夜,一共找了5家酒店,而在這家酒店 的睡眠是我們到目前為止睡的最好的一次。這裏的花園也實在是太漂亮了,來到花園裡,總感覺眼前五彩繽紛的,這些花兒的名字都是我們不知道的,突然間一齊綻 放在我們的眼前,感覺真是好極了。 這裏的服務真的是好得沒法說,而且因為我們主要是跟這裏的實習生交流的——他們以及這家酒店的經營管理者都給我留下了非常深刻的印象——他們非常講禮貌,對於你的要求總是想方設法的予以幫助,而且還很善於學習。 從這家渡假山莊走下去,大概走上10到15分鐘就會看到一家7——11便利店,那裡有熱飲料出售,這真是救了我們一命啊,因為我們總是在寒冷之中爬上這陡峭的山坡,之後總是期望著有熱飲料來調節我們的體溫。 如果你想放鬆一下的話,你可以在這如同天堂一般的環境下放慢你的節奏,這就是這家渡假山莊。 |
這個酒店就像是它的名字說的那樣,空中花園,真是一個停留在山腰半空中的酒店,感覺很奇幻。 可以在這裏欣賞非常美麗的山景,很不錯。 我們是下午時分抵達酒店的,不過當時的天氣不是太好,當時是一個大霧天,總是煙霧密繞的,我們好不容易才找到一個看上去還似乎不錯的位置來欣賞這的山景。 不過總體而言我認為這裏還是蠻值得的,因為我個人之前從未住過這種建在半山腰的酒店,所以感覺很棒。而且這裏還有2條小巷是通往山腳下的。酒店大堂很不錯,服務配置什麼的都特別給力,很棒。 我認為絕對值得一試,是個感覺不錯的好酒店。 |
Overall, a very relaxing stay, (despite the freezing room). i would recommend the resort for the fantastic unobstructed view, but if someone could suggest another hotel with the same view, I would rather trade it for the comfort of a good night sleep. |