Line ID:938727235
Line 名称:hopetrip-service
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  • 威海國際會展中心 展館詳細介紹
  • 威海,地處膠東半島,三面環海,擁有得天獨厚的海濱旅遊資源,近年來,又建設了中央電視台威海影視城、西霞口野生動物園等一大批景區景點,是首批中國優秀旅遊城市。1990年和1999年兩度被聯合國評為“最適合人類居住的最佳範例城市”。近十年來威海市社會經濟發生了翻天覆地的變化,和鄰近韓國貿易發展迅速,並設立定期的大規模“威韓經濟貿易洽談會”。但到目前為止,全市還沒有一個具有規模的會展中心。這與威海日益擴大的對外貿易經濟規模不相適應。因此,在威海興建一個具有國際水平的會展中心已經刻不容緩。威海國際會展中心計劃總投資8億元人民幣,占地面積10萬平方米,建築總面積8萬平方米。中心建成後,以舉辦國內外各種大型會議、展覽及博覽會為主、集展覽、貿易、會議、娛樂、飲食等多項功能於一體,並以其宏偉的氣勢、完美的設計和精良的設施,成為威海市的城市標誌和市政府重要的公益性設施。預計每年可產生直接經濟效益2億元,間接經濟效益8億元。

      Surrounded by the sea at three sides ,Weihai city ,one of the first group excellent tourism cities of China, lies in the east end of the Shandong peninsulaowns favorable seaside resources for tourism. It has in recent years built up a batch of scenic spots such as CCTV Weihai Video Base, Xi xiakou Wild Animal Parkso on ,was twice awarded as “The Most Sui Model City For Human Beings To Reside” by the UN in 19911999 respectively. During the past ten years, great changes of Weihai’s social economy have taken place. The trade with South Korea has developed rapidlythe Weihai-Korea EconomicTrade Fair will be held periodically each year. But Weihai hasn’t ever had a Convention Center up to present,consequently to construct an International Convention Center is of great urgency. According to the preliminary plan, the center will cover an area of 0.1 million square meters, building area of 0.8 million square meters. With the imposing building, perfect designexcellent facilities, the International Convention Center will be the symbol of Weihai Citythe major public infrastructure of Weihai People’s Government integrating exhibition, trade, conference, entertainment, restaurant together, esp. for the domesticinternational conferences. It is estimated that 2 hundred million yuan’s worth of direct economic effect8 hundred million yuan’s worth of indirect economic effect will be turned out annually.
  • 當地旅遊產品推薦
  • 成山頭
  • 成山頭

  • NT$ 54
  • 威海市劉公島
  • 威海市劉公島

  • NT$ 604
  • 威海華夏城
  • 威海華夏城

  • NT$ 316
  • 威海神遊海洋世界
  • 威海神遊海洋世界

  • NT$ 529
  • 威海石島赤山
  • 威海石島赤山

  • NT$ 433
  • 威海天沐溫泉
  • 威海天沐溫泉

  • NT$ 865
  • 海驢島
  • 海驢島

  • NT$ 529
  • 湯泊溫泉度假區
  • 湯泊溫泉度假區

  • NT$ 344
  • 定遠艦
  • 定遠艦

  • NT$ 372
  • 威海國際會展中心該展館會展
  • 會展熱門城市