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  • 2013中國國際床墊展覽會 展覽概況
  • 床墊行業是家具行業的重要組成部分。目前我國床墊行業產值約140-150億元,近幾年都保持25%左右的增速,我國已成為全球最重要的床墊生產基地和最具潛力的消費市場。我國床墊市場是一個正在快速發展的市場,其發展速度之快、市場潛力之大,引起了國外同行的重大關註。尤其值得關註的是,我國床墊、沙發類保持每年兩位數增長,出口形勢較好。
    With a growth rate of about 25% in recent years and a current output value of 14-15 billion yuan in mattress industry, China has developed into one of the world’s most important mattress production bases and the most promising markets. Currently, it is experiencing rapid growth in China and boasts huge market potential, raising great concern from overseas counterparts. In particular, the mattress and sofa industry maintain double-digit growth every year and export businesses also develop quite well.

    To set up a professional trading and purchasing platform for market expansion in mattress industry, China (Guangzhou) International Mattress Expo 2013 (CIME 2013) will be staged in Poly World Trade Expo Center during November 1-3, 2013. It is jointly sponsored by Guangdong Enterprises Association for Foreign Economic Cooperation, Guangdong Dealers Chamber of Commerce, GD-HK Economic & Cooperation Exchange Association and Hong Kong Grandeur International Exhibition Group Limited. Covering an exhibition area of 10,000 square meters, CIME 2013 will invite overseas visitors from the following countries and regions: USA, Britain, Malaysia, Russia, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, South Korea, Hungary, Canada, New Zealand, Middle East, etc. We look forward to your participation!
  • 2013中國國際床墊展覽會 展覽範圍
  • ※床墊類展區:3D立體床墊、彈簧床墊、乳膠床墊、棕床墊、玉石床墊、充氣床墊、海綿床墊、水床墊、紙床墊、彈力網床墊、磁療床墊、酒店客房床墊、兒童床墊、野營床墊、遠紅外床墊及各種功能床墊等;
    ※床墊生產布料及加工機械設備類展區:床墊布、床墊材料、床墊圍邊設備; 電腦縫紉設備、 木工設備、縫中設備、印花設備、床墊彈簧機械設備、席夢思床墊設備、床墊各種測試儀器等;
    ※床墊配套類展區:床墊材料 拉鏈、床腳 | 板條、 棉氈、椰棕 、 塑膠套、 塑膠套、床網莢、邊織帶、氣動桿、 透氣孔、環保棉氈 、排骨床架、床網彈簧、床墊編織袋 、角碼、床墊平行網、家具紙板 、PK棉 、床墊標牌 、床墊畫紙 、包角護角、床墊商標、床墊角標、床墊說明書、 床墊PVC膠畫、 床墊VIP跟蹤卡、床墊瓦楞紙包角 、 床墊護角珍珠棉 、灰紙板等;

    Mattresses: 3D mattress, spring mattress, latex mattress, palm mattress, jade mattress, inflatable mattress, water mattress, magnetic mattress, camping mat & pad, far infrared mattress, etc;
    Mattress Fabric & equipment: mattress fabric, mattress tape edge equipment, computer sewing equipment, woodworking tool, printing equipment, testing instrument, etc;
    Mattress accessories: zipper, cotton blanket, coconut fibre, pneumatic rod, plastic mattress cover, ventilated air hole, corner protector, trademark, mattress guide, chip board, etc.
  • 2013中國國際床墊展覽會 參展費用
  • 1、      展位價格: ¥15800.00元/ 9平方米 (雙開口展位加收10%)包括:展位圍板、地毯、中英文名稱楣板、日光燈兩盞、3A插座一個、一桌兩椅、一個紙簍、300字中英文會刊簡介、證件
    2、      空地:¥1600.00元/平方米(36㎡起租,不包括任何設施,參展單位需自行設計、裝修, 另按展館規定收取特裝管理費)
    3、      會刊及廣告:會刊尺寸210mm*285mm,印刷1萬冊,免費發放參展商及所有外商,
    買家證:¥100000.00元/ 5萬張、買家資料袋:¥100000.00元/5萬個
    Standard Booth
    (3m×3m)      USD3,500 /9 sq. m.
    10% booth fees added for a two-size open standard booth      Standard booth facilities: three white surrounding boards (height:2.5M), one table, two folding chairs, two lights, bi-lingual (English & Chinese) lintel board, one garbage-bin, floor carpet.
    Raw Space      USD350/sq. m.      Rent minimize 36sq.m, no facilities provided,
    RMB50 construction management fees added for every square meter, on their own or entrust design and decoration.
    Ad Cost (Show Catalogue: 210mm*285mm)
    Cover             ¥20000       Back Cover           ¥18000
    Inside Front Cover     ¥12000       Inside Back Cover       ¥12000
    Colored Inside Page     ¥8000       Ad on Visitor Card       ¥100000/50000pcs
    Ad on Gift Bag       ¥100000/50000pcs
    New product release conference: ¥10000/30min
  • 2013中國國際床墊展覽會 註意事項
  • 1、參展企業需提供營業執照、產品質量及榮譽證書等材料;尊重知識產權,杜絕假冒偽劣商品參展參展商只能展出以自身名義登記生產、並使用自身註冊商標的產品,或授權代理、經銷的產品。
    1.      Please carefully fill out the Exhibitors Contract with company stamp before faxing or sending it to the Organizing Committee.
    2.      The exhibition fee must be transferred to the appointed account within five working days after the exhibition application is confirmed.
    3.      After the booth is confirmed, Exhibitor Manual will be sent to exhibitors, the content of which includes how to transport the exhibits, hotel information, facility rent and other relevant information.
    4.      The Organizing Committee will arrange booths according to the principle of fist apply, first arrange, first pay and first confirm. During the exhibition, the Organizing Committee will give the invoices to exhibitors uniformly.
  • 當地旅遊產品推薦
  • 廣州會展導航
  • 會展熱門城市
  • 廣州保利世貿博覽館 展館介紹
  • 廣州保利世貿博覽館

    電話:電話:020-89047012 傳真:020-89047019
    介紹:  保利世貿博覽館是保利世界貿易中心的重要配套項目,與保利世貿品牌館並排矗立在新港東路琶洲地鐵站... >>詳細
  • 2013中國國際床墊展覽會 組織機構
  • 主辦單位
    Guangdong Enterprises Association for Foreign Economic Cooperation
    Hong Kong Grandeur International Exhibition Group Limited
    GD-HK Economic & Cooperation Exchange Association
    Guangzhou Grandeur Exhibition Services Co., Ltd.
    Mattress Furniture Specialty Committee of China National Furniture Association
    Guangdong Furniture Association
    German Mattress Industry Association
    Foshan Furniture Industry Association
  • 2013中國國際床墊展覽會 參展聯絡
  • 會務組聯系方式:廣州市鴻威展覽服務有限公司   全國免費咨詢電話:4006 258 268
    地 址:廣州市天河區車陂路318號美景花苑202-203室
    聯系人:盧 先生           手 機:188 2492 1777
    電 話:020-28314758/68/78     傳 真:020-8257 9220
    網 址:www.cimechina.net     Q   Q: 1959205873
    微 博:http://weibo.com/hw4006258268
    Contact Us
    Guangzhou Grandeur Exhibition Services Co., Ltd.
    Add: Room 2303-2305, the 4th Tower, Dong Jun Plaza, No.836 of Dong Feng Dong Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, China
    Contact Person: jackey lo   0086+18824921777
    Tel: 0086+20+28314758
    Fax: 0086+20+8257 9220
    E-mail: 1959205873@qq.com
    Website: http://www.cimechina.net/en/
  • 其他展會