- 2013中國(深圳)國際健康產業博覽會 展覽概況
2013中國(深圳)國際健康產業博覽會(簡稱 “健博會”)是由中國醫藥國際交流中心與深圳市國際貿易促進委員會主辦,深圳世界貿易中心會和中國貿促會•環球商務國際會議中心、北京百達盛國際管理咨詢有限公司和美健能量工房養生美容服務有限公司共同承辦,深圳市民政局、深圳市食品與藥品監督管理局和深圳市文體旅遊局聯合支持的專業健康產業博覽會。
隨著經濟發展和生活水平的提高,國民健康意識逐漸增強,養生保健的產品和服務消費理念已逐漸成形。隨著2010年中國人均GDP超過4000美元,國民消費觀念轉變和升級以及社會即將步入老齡化的大背景下,中國健康產業市場已進入快速成長期,將會成為全球健康產業最大的市場。中國正在掀起新一輪的健康養生熱潮,從專業的醫藥產品到傳統滋補保健食品、營養食品,從醫療器械、休閑養生,到健康管理、健康咨詢,正在不斷豐富健康市場。 深圳作為經濟發展居全國前列的城市,近年來其醫療保健、健康管理與養老產業快速發展,在經營理念、產品結構、商業模式、產業規模和行業地位等方面均引領全國同行。強大的消費能力、便捷的進出口通道和市場都為深圳健康產業鏈條上的各個領域帶來巨大的商機。黨的十八大報告提出要“大力發展老齡服務事業和產業”、“要提高人民健康水平”。健康產業既是黨和國家高度重視的產業,也與提升人民生活水平和幸福感息息相關。有鑒於此,為促進我市乃至全國健康產業發展,經中國貿促會批準,中國醫藥國際交流中心與深圳國際貿易促進委員會將於2013年12月舉辦“中國(深圳)國際健康產業博覽會”,為國內外貿易合作,為傳統及現代保健養生理念的傳播與交流搭建健康產業平台,該展並得到深圳相關主管部門的積極支持。 主辦單位將充分利用資源,聯合專業協會及機構共同承辦“2013中國(深圳)國際健康產業博覽會”,邀請澳大利亞、日本、韓國、印度、東盟十國、香港、澳門、台灣等國家和地區以及國內健康產業及相關服務企業前來展示推介,同期還將圍繞健康產業舉辦論壇活動,為參會代表、專業人士以及消費者提供更多的專業咨詢和信息,搭建交流合作平台。我們誠摯邀請您參展參會,相聚鵬城,共同分享健康產業無限商機。 Invitation Letter 2013 China (Shenzhen) International Healthcare Expo (CIHE) is an industrial healthcare exhibition organized by China Centre for Pharmaceutical International Exchange and Shenzhen Council for The Promotion of International Trade, co-organized by Shenzhen World Trade Center Association and China Global Business International Conference Center, BestSolution International Consulting and Bio Lohas Center Health and Beauty Service, and supported by Shenzhen Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau, Shenzhen Food and Drug Administration Bureau and Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Culture Sport and Tourism.As the life standard, life quality and healthcare awareness are elevated with China's national economy and internationalization of urbanization process, the market of nutritious, high quality and health care products and services have been getting momentum. With China’s national GDP per carpita in excess of 4,000 US dollars, pushed by the consumption ideology and the increasing aging population, the healthcare industry emerges into fast expansion phase and soon becomes the largest market in the world. A new round of healthcare rush arises and transforms from the demands of medical products to traditional healthcare and nutrition products, medical equipment and recreational healthcare to health planning and consultation, the market becomes more diversified and attractive to suppliers.Shenzhen as one of the leading city of economic development, in recent years, health care, health management and nursing industries are in rapid upswing. Especially, in business concept, product structure, business model, production scale and industry significance, Shenzhen has drawn much attention and positioned herself ahead the rest peers nationwide. Strong consumption, convenient import and export channels and market bring more opportunities for every articulation of Shenzhen’s healthcare industry chain. The 18th National Congress calls out “scaling up service business and industry for the aging population”, and “elevating national health standards”. The healthcare industry is not only the highly emphasized industry by the State, but also closely related to the living standard and welfare of the people. Whereas to boost the advancement of Shenzhen and the national healthcare industry, CCPIT has approved 2013 China (Shenzhen) International Healthcare Expo (CIHE) organized by China Centre for Pharmaceutical International Exchange and CCPIT-Shenzhen to be held in December 2013 to further the exchange between foreign and domestic trade cooperation and establish an industrial platform for the traditional and modern healthcare enterprises. This fair is well supported by all relevant government agencies of Shenzhen. The organizer will make full use of resources, co-host "2013 China (Shenzhen) International Health Industry Expo" with professional associations and organizations and invited enterprises engaging in health industry and related services from Australia, Japan, Korea, India and ASEAN countries, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and other countries and regions as well as domestic healthcare product manufacturers and service providers to introduce and promote their products and services. At the same time, forum activities focusing on the health industry will be held to provide more professional advice and information for participants, professionals and consumers, to build a platform for exchange and cooperation. We sincerely welcome your participation of the exhibition, meeting us in Shenzhen for the venture of exploring Shenzhen and China’s inland market and unlimited business opportunities.
- 2013中國(深圳)國際健康產業博覽會 展覽範圍
保健食品、營養補充劑、功能飲品、衛生產品、化妝品及美體產品、睡眠用品、戶外健康用品及器材、按摩椅、足療用品、中醫養生、特色診療、健康管理、體檢機構、休閑療養院、高端美容機構、保健咨詢、空氣改善用品、凈水用品、紅外線保健產品、磁療保健產品等。 1. Exhibition area of international health products, services and innovative technology Healthcare food, nutritional supplements, functional beverages, hygiene products, cosmetics and body care products, sleep supplies, outdoor health supplies and equipment, massage chairs, pedicure supplies, traditional Chinese medicine health promotion, featured treatment, health management, medical institutions, leisure sanatorium, high-end beauty institutions, health care consulting, air improvement supplies, water purification supplies, infrared health products, magnetic health products. 2. 國際健康醫療器材展區 家庭急救藥箱、創可貼、制氧機、家用吸氧機、氣血循環機、電子血壓計、小型血糖計、血氧儀、脂肪測試儀、體溫計、健康秤等。 2 Exhibition area of international health medical equipment Family first aid kit, band-aid, oxygen generator, home oxygen machine, blood circulation machine, electronic sphygmomanometer, small blood glucose meters, oximeters, fat tester, thermometer, health scale. 3.國際健康旅遊與投資建設展區 海濱療養地、礦泉療養地、湖濱療養地、山地療養地、沙漠療養地、森林療養地養老地產、休閑養生地產、健康特許加盟項目等。 3.Exhibition area of international health tourism and investment and construction Seaside resort, spas, lakeside resort, mountain resort, desert resort, forest resort retirement real estate, leisure and health real estate, health franchising projects. 4. 國際健康信息技術展區 為生產研發企業提供商業解決方案,計算機軟件技術,信息服務,生物高新技術如納米技術、基因檢測技術等。 4 International health information and technology exhibition area Providing the commercial solution, IT technology, information service, bio-high-new technology such as Nanotech and genetic testing for the enterprises. 展會活動Exhibiton Activities 1. 國際健康高峰論壇 International Health Forum 2. 中國醫養健康產業國際投融資與建設高峰論壇 International Investment, Financing and Development Summit Forum on China Medical & Healthcare Industry 3. 投融資對接:主辦機構將整合豐富的金融服務資源,邀請眾多金融機構及單位參與論壇對接,提供投融資對接服務 Investment and Financing Matching: The organizer will integrate the abundant financing service resources, invite many financing institutions to attend the forum and provide the matching service with enterprises.
- 2013中國(深圳)國際健康產業博覽會 參展費用
- 2013中國(深圳)國際健康產業博覽會 註意事項
1、 主辦單位將邀請深圳市市場監督管理局和深圳市藥品監督管理局工作人員現場監督及抽查,對不符合食品衛生許可及質量安全的產品進行查處,參展商展出企業名稱和展品範 圍必須與報名一致,不得轉讓給第三方參展,堅決杜絕展蟲。
2、 參展商展出的所有物品、宣傳品或服務必須遵守國家法律法規,必須符合相關的國家安全標準,不能危及人身安全、公共安全和對環境造成損害,如侵犯第三方專利、商標、版權和知識產權等相關的權益,所產生的法律責任由企業自負。 3、組委會將嚴控展會現場秩序、安全和專業度,將組織安全糾查隊對展會現場進行不間斷巡查,如發現參展商違反上述保證及相關規章制度,組委會有權責令其立即改正,對堅持不予改正的,組委會有權單方面終止其參展資格,對其進行清場、罰款及追索相關損失,已交展位費不予退還。對拒不配合者,組委會有權請求公安和糾查工作人員對其實施強制措施,在此過程中所發生的任何損失和因解決問題所可能發生的第三方費用由該參展商承擔,組委會概不負責。 4、如相關企業對組委會的處理不服,可以根據中華人民共和國相關法律和規定,通過法律途徑予以解決。 1. The organizing committee will have inspectors from Market Supervision Administration of Shenzhen Municipality and Drug Administration of Shenzhen Municipality to conduct onsite supervision and sampling, and take necessary punitive measures against incompliant food hygiene and quality and safety products. All exhibitors are required to submit the same exhibitor’s name and exhibits as those of given at registration. The registration is nontransferable. Solicitors during exhibition are forbidden. 2. All displayed items, propaganda or services must abide by applicable China’s laws, compliant with national security standards not endangering human and public safety and imposing eco threat. In the event of discovering any infringements of third party’s patent, trademark, copyright and IPR (Intellectual Property Rights), the offending enterprise shall be held liable for any legal consequences. 3. The organizing committee will maintain in its full effort the order, safety and professionalism of the exhibition. A safety inspection team will be organized to conduct the onsite patrol and monitor the exhibition venue. Any exhibitors should make correction in violation of the foregoing assurance and related regulation and rules, the organizing committee will assume the corrective responsibility of the violator, expelling from the exhibition premises in case of failure in correction by the violator. Subsequent actions of eviction, fining and recourse of damages will be acted upon the violator, and registration fee payment shall not be refunded. Refusal of cooperation of any foregoing measures against the violator will result in further enforcement by legal authority and the safety rectification team. Any expenses and losses induced in solving such abhorrent incidents to any third party shall be the liability of the violator. The organizing committee therefore hereby disclaims any responsibility. 4. In case of dispute arises from the violator, legal proceeding can be taken by the violator in accordance with applicable laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China. 參展資質 中外食品、保健品相關企業單位,要求 1、具有企業法人營業執照。 2、經營進口商品須有商檢合格證、衛生許可證。 3、廠家具有生產許可證、衛生許可證、產品質量檢驗合格證。 4、禁止經營假冒偽劣產品,否則後果自負。 Qualification For enterprises of Chinese and foreign food and health care products, the following are required: 1.Valid business license; 2.Merchandises inspection & examination certificate, hygienic license for Importers and exporters; 3. Production license, hygienic license and product quality inspection certificate for manufacturers; 4. Counterfeit and inferior products are strictly prohibited otherwise the exhibitor will be held liable for consequences. 參展手續 1、提交加蓋公章的《2013中國(深圳)國際健康產業博覽會參展表格(代合同)》 2、將展位費匯至組委會指定賬戶,並傳真匯款底單 3、組委會將展位確認書傳給參展商,並開具發票 4、參展商憑《展位確認書》按時進場布置展位 5、2013年9月13日以前報名參展並簽訂參展合同可享受展位費8.5折優惠。 Registration Procedure 1. Submit signed (with official seal, if required) contract of 2003 China (Shenzhen) International Healthcare Expo (CIHE) 2. Remit booth charge to the designated account by the Organizing Committee and fax the remittance slip 3. The Organizing Committee will return with Booth Confirmation and receipt 4. Exhibitor moves in and sets up booth in fair venue with Booth Confirmation 5. 15% Booth Discount applies to registration with contract signing before September 13, 2013