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  • Australia-China BusinessWeek 2014 Guangzhou & Shanghai 澳中商務周 2014 展覽概況
  • 澳中商務周的首場中國活動於2013年4月在上海成功舉辦,來自悉尼、墨爾本和西澳的六十余名澳洲中小型企業代表隨主辦方澳大利亞商務論壇前往上海與杭州,考察中國市場發展情況,並與中國本地企業及投資者進行商務交流。澳中商務周中國站活動為澳洲企業創造了一條了解中國市場的捷徑,讓他們有機會獲得第一手的市場消息,並向潛在的中國投資人與合作夥伴展示企業產品、服務和投資項目。首場澳中商務周上海活動獲得了極佳的反饋,並促成了多筆生意與合作,在此基礎上,2014澳中商務周將借勢余溫再續成功,於廣州、上海兩地舉辦。 2014澳中商務周(廣州-上海)將在廣州舉行澳中商務周的主要會晤活動項目,包括早餐會、商務午宴、論壇、社交酒會,以及澳洲商業項目展示會。此後代表們將前往上海參觀上海自貿區及正在建設中的“澳洲國家館”,並參加上海澳商會的年度“澳中企業獎”活動,與來自中國各地的500名傑出企業家共同交流。

    Australia-China BusinessWeek 2014 Guangzhou & Shanghai - 26-30 May this is the major ACBW China Forum for 2014. Presented by NAB and supported by NSW government, Austrade, The Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of Guangdong Province, CCPIT Guangdong and SME Association Guangdong and AustCham Shanghai includes an excellent week of high profile events, functions, networking & business matching sessions and business showcase. Meet high-net-wealth Chinese delegates establish key contacts and networks in two key economic hubs and first tire cities with a combined population in excess of thirty-five million people.
  • Australia-China BusinessWeek 2014 Guangzhou & Shanghai 澳中商務周 2014 展覽範圍
  • ACBW 2014 China program includesthree days in Guangzhou and two days in Shanghaiand is ideally positioned for early entry or companies already engaged in China. Visit the newly developed Shanghai Free Trade Zone attend the AustCham Shanghai’s annual Australia-China Business Awards which gathersover 500 business executives from all over China.This is the premium SME-Mid Sized enterprise Sino-Australian week which includes a mix of VIP functions, forums and B2B

    Business matching with potential Chinese investors, JV partners and distributors. Establish new associations and develop your China strategy – brand and business.

    Importance of ACBW Shanghai & Guangzhou 2014
    Guangdong province alone accounts for around a quarter of China's two-way trade in goods, and around 14 per cent of Australia's total merchandise trade with China. In 2010, Australia-Guangdong goods trade reached US $12 billion, with Australian exports to Guangdong worth $US 6 billion.

    Guangdong province alone accounts for around a quarter of China's two-way trade in goods, and around 14 per cent of Australia's total merchandise trade with China. In 2010, Australia-Guangdong goods trade reached US $12 billion, with Australian exports to Guangdong worth $US 6 billion.

    Guangdong has had a sister-state relationship with New South Wales since 1979 and with Queensland since 2008. Fujian has had a sister-state relationship with Tasmania since 1981.

    Guangdong province, China's largest provincial economy

    Guangdong is also the largest source of Chinese students studying in Australia, and remains one of the largest sources of Chinese tourists into Australia.

    Australian-China Business Week (ACBW) 2014 is now in its seventh year and has been developed into a major business platform that facilitates the communications and business connections between Australian and Chinese companies. The aim is to establish a credible business platform for businesses and investors from Australia and China to connect with the right contacts and have access to timely information on the opportunities in these two countries, and in consequence to forge business deals.

    The presentation of ACBW in China has created a shortcut for Australian businesses to get the firsthand knowledge about the China market, as well as showcase their products, services and businesses to potential Chinese investors and partners.
  • Australia-China BusinessWeek 2014 Guangzhou & Shanghai 澳中商務周 2014 參展費用
  • 請咨詢展會組織方。
  • Australia-China BusinessWeek 2014 Guangzhou & Shanghai 澳中商務周 2014 註意事項
  • 請咨詢展會組織方。
  • 當地旅遊產品推薦
  • 上海天馬鄉村高爾夫
  • 上海天馬鄉村高爾夫

  • NT$ 5720
  • 上海F1博而地高爾夫
  • 上海F1博而地高爾夫

  • NT$ 3555
  • 上海星期8小鎮門票
  • 上海星期8小鎮門票

  • NT$ 249
  • 上海會展導航
  • 會展熱門城市
  • Australia-China BusinessWeek 2014 Guangzhou & Shanghai 澳中商務周 2014 組織機構
  • Australian Business Forum 澳大利亞商務論壇
    National Australia Bank 澳大利亞國民銀行
  • Australia-China BusinessWeek 2014 Guangzhou & Shanghai 澳中商務周 2014 參展聯絡
  • Head Office/Melbourne
    PO Box 568
    South Yarra, Victoria 3141

    Shanghai Office
    Level 23 Citigroup Tower
    33 Huayuanshiqiao Road
    Shanghai 200120

    +61 3 8689 9898 (澳大利亞)
    +61 3 8689 9899 (澳大利亞)

    E-mail: info@abforum.com.au
  • 其他展會