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  • 2013首屆黑龍江國際珠寶玉石博覽會 展覽概況
  • 隨著社會經濟的發展和人們生活水平的逐步提高,珠寶首飾日益受到消費者們的青睞,黑龍江省作為中國最北部邊疆文化大省,面對蓬勃發展的市場需求,珠寶首飾行業和企業如何在國際競爭的大舞台中發展是我省珠寶首飾界業內人士關心的焦點。2013首屆黑龍江國際璀璨珠寶玉石首飾博覽會暨首屆“天龍杯”珠寶工藝設計大賽、玉石工藝雕刻大賽,旨在為珠寶首飾行業有識之士進入和拓展東歐市場搭建批售交易大平台。同時,2013首屆黑龍江國際璀璨珠寶玉石首飾博覽會暨首屆“天龍杯”珠寶工藝設計大賽、玉石工藝雕刻大賽”是珠寶品牌的傳播大會;是珠寶首飾行業在東三省的交流盛會;是培育新的消費群體、挖掘大量潛在零售商、推動黑龍江及東三省珠寶首飾零售業發展的大會。
    With the gradual improvement of the socio-economic development and people's living standards, jewelry increasingly favored by consumers as China's most northern frontier cultural province, Heilongjiang Province, in the face of the booming market demand, and jewelery industries and enterprises inthe big stage of the international competition is the focus of attention of the province jewelry industry insiders.2013 First Heilongjiang dazzling jewelry jade jewelry Fair and the First "Dragon Cup" jewelry process design contest, jade carving contest, designed to provide the jewelry industry insight into the expansion in Eastern Europe to build a wholesale trading platform. The same time, the 2013 First Heilongjiang dazzling jewelry jade jewelry Fair and the First "Dragon Cup" jewelry process design contest, jade carving contest "the spread of the General Assembly of the jewelry brand; jewelry industry networking event in the Northeast; foster new consumption groups, and tap the large number of potential retailers, promote the general meeting of the jewelry retail development in Heilongjiang and the Northeast.
  • 2013首屆黑龍江國際珠寶玉石博覽會 展覽範圍
  • 1、珠寶玉石類: 鉆石、紅寶石、藍寶石、祖母綠、海藍寶石、翡翠、和田玉、歐泊、水晶、坦桑石、綠松石、壽山石、雞血石、青田石、巴林石、岫巖玉、碧璽、瑪瑙、亞歷山大石、 貓眼、珊瑚、琥珀、鋯石、人造寶石等;
    Jewelry Jade categories: diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, aquamarines, jade, and nephrite, opal, crystal, tanzanite, turquoise, Shoushan stone, Bloodstone, Qingtian stone, Balin, Xiuyan, tourmaline, agate,Alexander stone, cat's eye, coral, amber, zircon, artificial gems, etc.
    珠寶首飾類: 黃金首飾、白銀首飾、鉑金首飾、鈀金首飾、鉆石首飾、寶石首飾、鑲嵌首飾、仿真首飾、鍍金首飾、珍珠 首飾、翡翠玉石水晶首飾、珍品首飾、設計師作品、貴重金屬及半成品等;
    Jewelry categories: gold jewelry, silver jewelry, platinum jewelry, palladium jewelry, diamond jewelry, gemstone jewelry, mosaic jewelry, imitation jewelery, gold plated jewelry, pearl jewelry, crystal jewelry Jade treasures jewelry, designer pieces, precious metals andsemi-finished products
    珍珠類: 中國淡水珍珠、中國海水珍珠、日本珍珠、南洋珍珠等。
    Pearl: freshwater pearls, seawater pearls, Japanese pearls, South Sea pearls
  • 2013首屆黑龍江國際珠寶玉石博覽會 參展費用
  • 國際標準展位:3X3 4800一個 角位上浮500元
  • 2013首屆黑龍江國際珠寶玉石博覽會 註意事項
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  • 2013首屆黑龍江國際珠寶玉石博覽會 組織機構
  • 主辦單位:中國國際貿易促進委員會黑龍江省委員會
    Heilongjiang Provincial Committee, China International Trade Promotion Committee
    Heilongjiang Province, gold and silver jewelry industry associations
    Jewellery Quality Supervision and Inspection Station of Heilongjiang Province
    Hong Kong YATAI International Exhibition Group
    The Harbin SHENGDA Century International Exhibition Company
  • 2013首屆黑龍江國際珠寶玉石博覽會 參展聯絡
  • 聯系人:關總   15508639158
    郵編:250000電話:86-0531-62318839 傳真:86-0531-62318839-610
  • 其他展會