去香港也是一拍腦袋就去的,之前很早辦護照的時候就吧通行證也就一起辦瞭,然後乘著去廣州看親戚的時間就去香港溜達瞭一圈,純粹壓馬路,基本沒有任何消費(我這種人超級不適合跟團),也沒任何攻略,就是拿瞭一本LP然後基本把裡面推薦的適合壓馬路的路線走瞭一遍,感覺不錯! Well, it's just a thought to make this trip come true. And since I already had the special travel pass and just had the time to visit my brother in Guangzou, so why not? It's a pure a trip of sight seeing, no shopping at all! Alone with me is the lonely planet, sounds so lonely . I took the train directly from Guangzou to Hongkong, but back from Hongkong to Shengzhen via subway then fly back to Shanghai. 我是直接從廣州坐火車去的香港,回來是做的地鐵到深圳然後回上海的。