你知道噴香港還有‘村’嗎?高興噴香港行,Loved it HK! 為便宜買了斯裏蘭卡航空的噴香港經科隆坡到新德裏的來回機票。去的時辰感受還可以,時候上不是太過費事,候機逾越8小時航空公司供應酒店住宿。回來時才知道其實得失相當蹤。早晨12點降落,到達科隆坡時是早上3點半。機場坐了3個多小時後降落去曼谷,然後又是候機,再飛噴香港,到達時已下午4點4十五分。全部早晨幾近沒有睡覺,累逝世。Bought return ticket from HK to 到達噴香港後電話Wandy,然後乘巴士到達沙田與她齊集。Called Wandy from the airport and took the airport bus to Shatin to meet up with her. Wandy住在沙田某村,周圍是噴香港罕見的高樓,唯此村居平易近衡宇普通為3,4層的小樓,照樣第一次走進噴香港這樣的“村”。可以說,風景這邊獨好,房頂上可以看到年夜片的天空,這類空曠感在擁堵的噴香港長短常寶貴的。 Wandy lives in a village in Shatin area and it is surrounded by high rise apartment buildings that you see everywhere in HK. Most residents in the village live in 3 or 4 storied houses. It was the first time that I have come into a ‘village’ like this in HK so quite an interesting experience. You see lots of the sky in the rooftop and the view is quite lovely in a sun set evening; have to say this kind of openness and space is a rare luxury in the fully packed city of 早晨和Wandy搭車去了西貢。汽車在樹木圍困的小道下行走,感受完全不是噴香港。西貢在海邊,到達時海上已升起一輪明月,很是感人。西貢滿是各類市廛和小店,人氣很旺,是吃器械的優點所。Took a bus to Sai Kung with Wandy in the evening. The bus drove through a hill road with lots of trees and bushes in both sides that made me feel so not HK. It was full moon over the sea in the 我們在一家小店吃了魚片艇仔粥,炒蛤和青菜,很滿足的清談的一餐。We had fish fillet congee with squid, fried clam and vegetables; it was light, delicious, and a total satisfaction. The next day we went to Central to meet up with Spicygirl. I had met Spicygirl on the internet but had not met her in real life. It was lovely meeting her and I found she looks much prettier than her photos. Spicygirl is from Shuangliu, a place I also have lived in for a year when I was a kid, and moreover we have both experienced We had lunch at Spicygirl’s apartment in Mid-level in Central. Spicygirl’s mum cooked several dishes of great home food within a matter of a few minutes and we had a lovely meal! Also met up with Amy who is from I was so tempted to stay in HK for a little more time and go for a drink with the girls in Lan Kwai Fong, maybe we will get to meet some HK cuties, however I was feeling so tired after the long flight and all the excitement of seeing the places that I have missed out in my many previous trips to HK before. I had to give up LKF but will surely do so next time in HK. 其實想去蘭桂芳喝一杯,說不定遭受噴香港帥哥也不定,可是感受太累只好摒棄,下次吧! 異常感謝感動Wandy和辣妹子的迎接,我的噴香港之行長久而高興!有當地的同夥領路,才幹看到普通旅客錯過的地方,特別是沙田一帶,假設不是Wandy在那兒,或許永久都不會走到那邊去,也不會在噴香港的‘村’裏住上一晚! I am very grateful to Wandy and Spicygirl for their hospitality that has made my short trip to HK so pleasant and memorable. You will need to have localites to show you around so you get to see all the off the beaten track places that are missed out by tourists. I would have never gone to Shatin if it not because of Wandy, and would have never stayed in a village in HK.
其他圖文見自己博客 http://chinistani.blog.hexun.com/3692175_d.html |