6. The Yorke Arms, Nidderdale “A great meal should begin with a great journey!”是對這家店最貼切的形容。 地點:The Yorke Arms, Ramsgill-in-Nidderdale, North Yorkshire HG3 5RL 手機:01423 755243 網址: www.yorke-arms.co.uk 5. Amaya, London 印度菜!固然貴,然則Jay“拍胸脯”包管絕對超值….招牌菜有smokey kebabs, chargrilled seafood, for glorious breads, great chutneys and pickles。 地點:Amaya, Halkin Arcade, Motcomb Street, London SW1X 8JT 手機:020 7823 1166 網址:www.amaya.biz 4. Quo Vadis, London 客歲剛換的新大廚Jeremy Lee! 據說活氣四射,常客總能看見他在餐館浪蕩,或者和夥計@!word!@開打趣@!word!@,一副“不倫不類”的樣子!不外吧,他的手藝一流,照樣值得一試! 這些之前的招牌菜—-think crab soup with rouille, puntarella with anchovy and boiled egg, lamb’s sweetbreads with peas and almonds, pork with bitter leaves and onions如今大部門都降了25%的價錢~ 地點:Quo Vadis, 26-29 Dean Street, London W1D 3LL 手機:020 7437 9585 網址:www.quovadissoho.co.uk 3. Restaurant Sat Bains, Nottingham 米其林星星持續閃爍….Tasting menu有7 to 10 courses 不等,價錢也許是79至99鎊! 地點:Restaurant Sat Bains, Lenton Lane, Nottingham NG7 2SA 手機:0115 9866 566 網址:www.restaurantsatbains.com 2. The Seahorse, Dartmouth 又是一家臨海的餐廳,新穎海鮮義無反顧,價錢也同樣“高攀不起”…它是2012年OFM 讀者評選出的絕佳餐廳! 地點:The Seahorse, Dartmouth, Devon TQ6 9BH 手機:01803 835 147 網址:www.seahorserestaurant.co.uk 1. Polpo, London 又是一間重內涵不重外表的店!算是一家帶有意大利味道的紐約餐廳?!這種Mix挺有趣的~不外不管是晚餐照樣午餐,位子不是那麽好定的! 地點:Polpo, 41 Beak Street, London W1F 9SB 手機:020 7734 4479 網址:www.polpo.co.uk