!!【城市。異想】吳丹陽攝影個展!! 2014. 11/23-12/29 AM8:30-PM11:00 城市。異想 / 吳丹陽攝影個展 星巴克漢中門市 台北市萬華區漢中街51號 茶會:2014.11.23下午2:30-3:30
對吳丹陽而言,攝影就像修行。生活在混亂、擁擠的城市中,藝術創作成為我生命爐中最好的煉丹術;祈以求新求異的技法、嚐試性地變化構圖,再加入個人創意與美學交互運用著,組合成不同於一般的形體。希望藉此加深觀者的印象,激盪出觀者與作品間的對話、交流。 For me, photography is like having spiritualization. Living in a chaos and a crowded city, artistic creation has been becoming the best way on transmuting base metals into gold, in a way. I always keep on trying newer and unique techniques to enrich the artistry in my photography, then adding personal creative ideas and aesthetic styles in terms of application. This is so my work can be combined in some different patterns, other than the usual styles. I hope my photographs can impress the viewers, and bring inspiration to those people from having my work communicated to them.