!!【 布拉格夢遊貓境 】版畫展!! 【布拉格夢遊貓境】 A Dream in a Kitty Land of Prague “ 奇幻繽紛的塔城微版畫 ” 布 拉格位於歐洲的核心–捷克,曾被稱為歐洲最美麗的城市,保存了各時代輝煌的建築風格,至今,城市的容貌依舊美得令人目不暇給。在歷史悠久又浪漫的查理大橋 上,可見布拉格獨特的超水準街頭藝術文化,1990年由民間發起「查理大橋藝術家協會」,透過這個協會讓這些來自各領域的專業畫師、手工藝匠和樂手,能在 橋上自由開放地分享他們的創作。 同樣來自這個舞台的藝術家帕夫卡,本名Pavel Svec在布拉格的大學教授藝術,主要透過平版型版畫的方式來創作。帕夫卡主角多數為一群奇幻趣味的貓咪,以細緻的工法刻畫出他的城市印象。頑皮的貓咪從 午後日光來到滿夜星空,出現在色彩繽紛的大街小巷,穿越高低錯落的尖塔圓頂。他的作品像是一扇精緻小巧的窗,透過細膩的質感與活潑的顏色,十足引人入勝, 帶領我們夢遊一場浪漫的城市。
Prague of the Czech Republic was once considered the most beautiful city in Europe, and it has preserved many elegant architecture styles from its long history. Today, this charming city still captures many visitors' hearts, especially the famous Charles Bridge which crosses the Vltava (Moldau) river. The SVKM (Sdruzeni Vytvarniku Karlova Mostu) organization was founded in 1990 by local artists to manage all the art activities on the Charles Bridge. With a permission, artists of different specialties can exhibit and demonstrate their art on the bridge, and Pafka is one of these artists. Pafka, whose real name is Pavel Svec, is an art professor teaching in a local university. Most of the characters in his colorful lithography work belong to a group of cute and witty cats. They hop through the city and play both day and night. Pafka has captured the most magical parts of Prague and presented it in such a delicate and lovely way. It is difficult not to fall for his story. |