共演樂隊 Co-starring bands: 荔枝王 King Ly Chee & OH! NULLAH BANE Founded on beliefs that are in short supply within the current underground music scene, Massachusetts' Bane has established themselves as one of the most influential and relevant bands in hardcore today. Since their inception, they've become one of the scene's hardest working bands touring the world over and releasing three full-length's: 1999's It All Comes Down To This, 2001's critically acclaimed Give Blood, and 2005's The Note. Four years have passed since The Note was released, and the members of Bane schedules were looking busier then ever, finding the time to write a new full-length seemed unrealistic. In June 2009, the band booked studio time with Jay Maas at Getaway Studios and decided to go in and record however many new tracks they had at the time. A week later they emerged with six new songs all of them named after American soap operas, all six coming straight from their hearts. 荔枝王 荔枝王被硬心音樂的熱誠感染底下成立於一九九九年五月。當時香港的地下音樂充斥著非原創,並把Limp Bizkit形式的音樂當作”硬心”和”金屬”。於是,荔枝王的創立人RIZ決定把硬心的真正意思宣揚開去。首先他創辦一本雙語免費地下雜誌「由零開始」,內容包括論文、世界各地的朋克、金屬及硬心樂隊訪問和唱片評論等。為了增強硬心文化的渲染力。Riz深明單靠文字是不足夠的,香港的觀眾需要聽見看見才可真正的感受到這種文化,結果荔枝王正式誕生。 憑著一顆對硬心鍥而不捨的決心,這成立了十二年多的樂隊孜孜不倦地發揚這個文化。期間,荔枝王把他們的聲音、力量及坦誠的心帶到亞洲及歐洲多個國家去,建立了荔枝王作為一隊香港樂隊、亞洲樂隊的名字。 OH! NULLAH Hong Kong post-hardcore band THE LOVESONG became inactive after guitarist Ephraim Bano moved to the US in 2010. Four years later, with a bunch of new songs, the remaining members of THE LOVESONG got together with Glenn Bogador from SHEPHERDS THE WEAK, and OH! NULLAH was born in April 2014. Ticket Outlets 實現會社 The Coming Society 灣仔軒尼詩道365號富德樓2/F White Noise Records(NEW LOCATION) Tel: 2591 0499 九龍上海街720號1樓(太子站C2出口, 近旺角維景酒店) Star Crossed Tattoo Tel : 3427 3820 尖沙咀加連威老道57號2樓 Zoo Records (NEW LOCATION) Tel : 2309 2911 旺角彌敦道608號Chic 之堡3樓316 號鋪 Day Dream Music Tel : 2988 1893 旺角上海街512號二樓全層 (朗豪坊旁) 談風:vs:再說 Tel : 2415 4999 牛頭角觀塘道316-318號誌聯工廠大廈10樓B號舖 |