!!《我在這裡畫一條線》 This is where I draw a line!!
This is where I draw a line
開幕表演:2015.02.25 (三) 19:30
Opening: 2015.02.25 (Wed.) 19:30
展覽日期:2015.02.23 - 03.01
(註:展覽23號大年初五即開始,但唯一的現場表演將在25號舉行,當天Woolloomooloo。Xhibit 會開放到22:00)
《我在這裡畫一條線》(This is where I draw a line) 是一個實驗創作的初期嘗試,施惟捷使用取樣自照片的手法,將每張照片的像素轉換成聲音和雷射光路徑投射在空間中;利用長曝光拍攝,將這些被拆解的照片重現為帶有雷射路徑質感的影像。這種透過能量轉換形式的方式,與空間錯置的表現法,形喻了一種萬向的純粹感和恆常性。
This Is Where I Draw a Line
Light is arranged serially (in order) in the space, it becomes supports of memories and a way of narration, giving temporarily the consciousness a form and letting it to exist in the space. The sectional light act as a slice of time, blew up as a portal of blooming memories.
“This is where I draw a line” is an experimental attempt of a photography/audiovisual project. Shih Wei Chieh “samples” the photos by turning graphical pixels into audio signals; these signals are then transformed into laser beams with motion, and then be presented as long exposure photos. The transferring and interlacing of scanning illustrate a sense of randomness and universal constant.
施 惟 捷 Shih Wei Chieh
1982年生,作品多利用光線和DIY電子零件為媒材,2010年實踐媒體設計系畢業後開始朝媒體藝術發展。他的wearable作品如 laser suit 和 LED刺繡計劃 (EE project) 已受到許多網路媒體的關註和邀請,如SXSW, WIRED, FashioningTech, Adafruit, Hackaday 等媒體平台,他在2013年結束在墨西哥旅行八個月的駐村旅居計劃後,現專註在結合導電織品和傳統十字繡,雷射投影等媒材。