2015曼谷夢幻世界表演時間表,曼谷夢幻世界表演總共有4場包括:The Colours of the World Parade 、Animals Show 、Hollywood Action 、Street Performance,如想去曼谷夢幻世界不錯過以下演出,會讓你在曼谷夢幻世界增加更多歡樂。一起來看看都在什麼時間等著大家來看!
Weekends and holidays週末和節假日: 3:45 p.m.
Don't miss this extravaganza! Meet your favourite cartoon characters in the spectacular Colours of the World Parade. Of course, Dreamy will be in the parade too!
曼谷夢幻世界表演—Animals Show
Weekdays平日: 12:00 noon and 2:00 p.m.
Weekends and holidays週末和節假日: 12:00 noon, 2:00 p.m., and 3:15 p.m.
Visit Uncle Tom's Farm to witness the wonderful animal show. It's great fun & always very popular with the kids.
曼谷夢幻世界表演—Hollywood Action
Weekdays平日: 2:30 p.m.
Weekends and holidays週末和節假日: 1:30 p.m., 2:30 p.m., 4:30 p.m.
Real live thrills and spills, Hollywood-style, with spectacular special effects! Watch as the S.W.A.T. team engages in a fierce stuggle with a terrorist group.
曼谷夢幻世界表演—Street Performance
Weekends only 僅在週末提供
Talented street performers wonder around throughout the day to keep you enthralled with their marvelous magic tricks and ingenious illusions. 曼谷夢幻世界交通 曼谷夢幻世界離市區較遠,距離大約50公裏,靠近廊曼機場,在廊曼機場的東北方向。
可搭乘地鐵到Chatuchak Park站下,2號出口,此地距夢幻世界31公裏,可打的前往,打的費用大約為250-400泰銖;
可乘BTS到Mo Chit站下,1或3號出口,此地距離夢幻世界31公裏,可打的前往,打的費用大約為250-400泰銖;
1、Silom區,相距大約42公裏,可搭乘地鐵從Silom站到Chatchak Park站下,2號出口,此地距夢幻世界約31公裏可打的前往,打的費用大約為250-400泰銖;或直接打的前往,費用大約350-500泰銖左右;
2、Sukhumvit/Asok(素坤逸/阿索區)相距約43公裏,可搭乘地鐵從Sukhumvit站到Chatchak Park站下,2號出口,此地距夢幻世界約31公裏可打的前往,打的費用大約為250-400泰銖;或直接打的前往,費用大約350-500泰銖左右;
3、Siam(暹羅商業區)相距約40公裏,可搭乘BTS Siam站到BTS Mo Chit站下,1或3號出口,此地距夢幻世界31公裏可打的前往,打的費用大約為250-400泰銖;或直接打的前往,費用大約350-500泰銖左右;
4、Hua Lamphong/Yaowarat(華南蓬火車站/耀華力路/唐人街區),相距大約50公裏,可搭乘地鐵從Hua Lamphong站到Chatchak Park站2號出口,此地距夢幻世界約31公裏可打的前往,打的費用大約為250-400泰銖;或直接打的前往,費用大約350-500泰銖左右;