5.瑪麗蓮號 瑪麗蓮號是湄南河的最新遊船,2018年11月10日正式下水開跑。兩層設計(一樓室內享受冷氣,二樓室外親近自然風)、航行平穩,美麗復古裝飾、寬敞舒適。瑪麗蓮號為頂棚式室外設計。讓您在這個四季風雨追趕的泰國旅途中,還能坐在Meridian Cruise號二樓室外享受微風涼涼。瑪麗蓮號位於曼谷ICONSIAM暹羅天地河畔購物商城,參加夜遊同時還可以享受購物以及其他娛樂項目。 瑪麗蓮號12.31日跨年夜活動詳情: Program Include : 1. International + Seafood Buffet 2. Special Thai Classical Performance 3. Live Music Duo Brand 4. Watching fireworks over the CHAOPHRAYA RIVER Program Time : - 7.00 pm - 9.30 pm : Check in at the Meridian Cruise Counter at ICONSIAM Sooksiam (G.Floor) - 9.45 pm : Warm welcome on board at ICONSIAM Pier2 - 10.00 pm : Departure from ICONSIAM Pier2. Time for your New Year Eve's Party dinner the with "Live Music" by professional singers in a romantic atmosphere along with the CHAOPHRAYA RIVER of our International Buffet Function elegantly arrange from appetizer to main course and ending with desserts to your dining satisfaction. And enjoy with the special Thai Classical Performance on the cruise. - 11.50 pm : Get ready to end the year of 2019 and celebrating to the year of 2020 - 00.15 pm : Cruise arrives at ICONSIAM Pier2. 6.奧朗卡號 奧朗卡號是夜遊湄南河的新成員,是目前湄南河上吃貨打卡的好地方,船長49米,平穩寬敞不擁擠,開闊享受沿途泰式風情,娛樂拍照兩不誤。奧朗卡號一共三層,三樓無頂棚可容納220位賓客,二樓空調室內透明玻璃窗可容納160位賓客;一樓空調室內玻璃窗可容納120位賓客,月影星光下,換種視角欣賞繁華的天使之城,360度無死角欣賞湄南河兩岸妖嬈艷麗的嫵媚夜景,聆聽夜空中璀璨的星河。 奧朗卡號12.31日跨年夜活動詳情: Program Include : 1. International + Grilled Seafood Buffet + BBQ 2. Free Soft Drink, Beer, Whisky, Wine, Cocktails, Champagne Toast 3. Lucky Draws for New Year Eve's Party 4. Special Thai Classical Performance + Live Music Duo Brand 5. Watching fireworks over the CHAOPHRAYA RIVER Program Time : 4.00 - 7.00 PM : Check in at Alanga Cruise counter at ICONSIAM Sooksiam (G. Floor) 7.45 PM : Warm welcome on board at ICONSIAM Pier 2 8.00 PM : Departure from ICONSIAM. Time for your New Year Eve's Party dinner the with "Live Music" by professional singers in a romantic atmosphere along with the CHAOPHRAYA RIVER of our Extremely International Buffet Function elegantly arrange from appetizer to main course and ending with desserts to your dining satisfaction. Enjoy with the special Thai Classical Performance on the cruise and watching wonderful fireworks over the CHAOPHRAYA RIVER. 11.50 PM : Get ready to end the year of 2019 and celebrating to the year 2020. 00.15 PM : Cruise arrive at ICONSIAM Pier 2. |