因應超強颱風蘇拉進一步逼近,噴射飛航將會作出航班調整如下: In response to the approaching of the super typhoon Saola, TurboJET will make the following sailing adjustment: 31/8 取消航班 Cancellation : 香港往氹仔 HKG to Taipa 12:15 15:45 氹仔往香港 Taipa to HKG 14:15 17:15 當3號強風信號生效時 During Strong Wing Signal No.3: 香港-澳門(外港)航線HKG - Macau (Outer)Route:維持有限度服務 Maintain limited service 香港-氹仔 航線HKG-Taipa Route :暫停服務 Service Suspension 珠海航線 Zhuhai Route 由今日16:00起停航至1/9全日至另行通知。 Service will be suspended from 16:00 till 1/9 until further notice 當港澳其中一方懸掛8號颱風信號,所有航班服務將暫停。敬請乘客留意本司適時服務更新。 Upon issuance of typhoon signal no 8, all sailing services will be suspended. Passengers are recommended to pay attention our service update. |