想去香港帶一些保健品回來 都是藥片但是可能比較多 20寸的箱子能裝滿請問這樣被查到會要交稅嗎 要交的話大概交多少?海關是怎麼估價的?
I have a British passport and my wife has an Italian passport. We are going to travel to Hong Kong and then visit Shenzhen.Can we get the 5 day visa from Hong Kong Airport for the Shenzhen area only?I will be there to meet with some people at a company based in Shenzhen and my wife will be there for tourism.Thanks in advance
深圳哪里可以當天進行港澳通行証再簽注?哪個公安局可以當天申請 香港1年2次簽注,當天就可以拿到?請高手指點,多謝!羅湖地王大廈旁邊那個公安局可以嗎?